Seems like just a blink and they are heading off to school. Jethro (our grandson) is registered and slightly apprehensive as he prepares for kindergarten. Jet had a good time working on these back-to-school printables, a fun activity for little ones in preschool, kindergarten and homeschool classrooms.Continue Reading
Tobias the Cockapoo Puppy
Introducing Tobias, our sweet little cockapoo puppy. After three years without a dog in the house, I knew it was time for another canine pet. Toby, as we call him, is now officially part of the family.Continue Reading
Honey Whole Wheat Bread
Our Grandson, Jethro, was coming for a sleepover and trip to the aquarium. It was his birthday gift and he was super excited. Jet loves bread so I baked honey whole wheat bread to make his belated birthday dinner extra special.Continue Reading
Something Fishy Matching Memory Game
As a grandmom, I like to have fun activities for the kids when they are visiting. Interactive games for varied ages work well. These cute and colorful, Something Fishy matching memory game, provides hours of fun for kids while building recall, focusing and problem solving skills.Continue Reading
Spooky Halloween Food

Little Champ
End of Year Wrap-up
Minion Headband for Jethro

Knitted Bow Tie Pattern
Classic Crab Cakes
Hawaiian Pasta Salad

Shake and Bake Coating Recipe and Family/Friend Times

Welcome baby Joelle Elizabeth
Homemade Chocolate pudding

Back in the swing of things
Unpacking, laundry, connecting with family, email, snail mail, photos from camera, iPhone photos, sorting photos, editing photos, food shopping, house cleaning, yard work, even making meals is a chore (and you know how I love to cook!)
I am slowly catching up and getting back in the swing of things as we cherish these these family moments.