Sometimes even a little tumble can cause a big hurt.
This is Chloe. She was playing in her Little Tikes Cozy Coupe and somehow getting out, she tumbled. Her siblings and neighborhood kids were all playing and went to help her when she ran to her mom shouting, “I broke my bone!”. One look and her mom knew this was bad.
Jamie cut away her shirt and put her arm into a sling. Off to Urgent Care. They took X-rays and sent her to CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia).
This is what a supracondylar break looks like.
The night before surgery, the doctor had to manipulate the bone back through the fascia because he was concerned it could have poked through the skin as she slept. (middle left photo above)
Now, with two pins, a bright pink cast and a little time, Chloe will be good as new.
While Jamie was caring for Chloe, Joelle and Jethro came to our house for a couple of days.
Baby Joelle clung to Aunt Erin and shared all of her cold germs.
And like all that went before her, Joelle loved splashing bubbles in the kitchen sink.
At the store Aunt Erin told us how excited Joelle got when they turned onto an isle and she saw a display of little dolls. Joelle told everyone that listened about her babies.
Jethro was my little shadow. We planted seeds together. He showed me that he is as tall as a yardstick. We watched movies and snuggled at bedtime.
(Did you know that if you thread a yardstick down through the cabinet drawer pulls you can prevent a curious mobile baby girl from opening each drawer and removing dangerous content. Yes, after 13 grandbabies, I learned this. It is not perfect but it will buy you some time.)
(you can see the yardstick better in this photo)
Shaela is our granddaughter who lives in upstate New York. This week was Shaela’s turn to be Super Kid in her class. Family can attend this 30 minute time to celebrate each Super Kid and share interesting or amusing stories or thoughts about why this Super Kid is special to them. Jet and I got to be part via FaceTime as did PopPop John from his work office and Shaela’s other grandparents who are currently in Hawaii. Pretty amazing, I say.
and from the recent past…
When you are a mom to eight children it might take you almost a year to make good on your Father’s Day gift. Jamie and John finally got to enjoy their father/daughter evening together. Dinner and then home to watch a special episode of one of their favorite shows, Gold Rush. Remembering John Schnabel is a moving tribute of John by his grandson, Parker.
Back in February we had a visit from our New York family. Aunt Erin giving our grandson, Braden a haircut.
After this long week, John and I went to a restaurant we had been wanting to try. We were pleasantly surprised to learn it was Restaurant Week and the menu was a lovely 4-course meal, including, an appetizer, salad, entree and dessert sampler. We thoroughly enjoyed or time together.
Poor little Chloe! That x-ray gave me the willies. It looks like a painful injury. I hope that she is soon feeling as good as new! Thankfully, children heal faster than us older folks.
Good idea for you and your hubby to treat yourselves to a nice dinner out after all of the activity at your house. Sometimes you just need to unwind and reconnect, even though the buzz of activity is joyful.
Awww..Poor little Chloe. I always hate to see a child hurt–and broken bones are NO fun at all. I am glad she is going to be okay and at that age it will mend and be even stronger than it was before. Blessings-it is always fun to see all the family pictures and some of you and your hubby, too. xo Diana
Aw poor Chloe. She looks like she's handling it like a little trooper though.