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Vintage Crocheted Tablecloth

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What a beautiful tablecloth. I come from German stock as well and find that work ethic statement of yours to be oh so true!
I was just taking pictures this weekend of some older heirloom pieces from MY grandma to do a little story for my blog so I could not resist clicking on this post. I love the pie safe too. I am going to read some more now…:)
What a beautiful tribute to your grandma. I wonder when she found the time with so many children. I hope you can find her birth records.
The tablecloth is beautiful. The story of your Grandmother touched my heart. I am sure she is looking down from heave, so pleased that you cherish her handiwork.
I never knew my Grandparents either. I would love to know more than I do about their lives.
As I said in my comment on your paper flowers post, this is my first visit here and I have really enjoyed it.
Wow! That's a wonderful piece of art. It has to be amazing to look at it and know that every stitch has been made by someone so special to you. Thanks for sharing both the photos and the story. Love it! 🙂 Petra
that's so precious and love the story behind it! i cant imagine how long and how much effort it takes to make a cloth as big as this. your grandmother was def a strong woman…her circumstances in life were similar with my grandmother's..living with soo little and an always absent husband..and raising 7 kids.
Impeccable work and such a treasured heirloom.
What a beautiful thing to have! So much time invested in that lovely creation.
I never knew my paternal grandmother. She died before I was born, but I am blessed to have her eyeglasses, a butter churn and a few other kitchen utensils that she would have used. I like to use them and think of her and wonder what her days where like when her hands were using those tools.
That is a beautiful tablecloth and even more so because of it's history. I can knit but have never mastered the art of crochet. When I see works like yours it really makes me think I should give it another try. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I'm sure I'll be back here for another visit, Kathleen.
What a lovely tablecloth. I love handmade most anything but especially the beautiful linens. I am sure your grandmother would love knowing you have the tablecloth and it has a special place in your home and heart. Found your blog from Maggie Ann's. Beautiful blog, I have added your blog to my blog list so I won't miss a post.
The tablecloth is beautiful. I am privileged to have both a bedspread and tablecloth that my grandmother crocheted in the 1940's or 1950's.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. My mother was named Lorraine. Lovely name.
That is gorgeous!! I have some quilts that belonged to my great-grandmother…but I did have the privilege of knowing her!
How precious! The tablecloth is beautiful…my Mom crocheted me one also and I gave it to my daughter…I hope she values it as it should be. Catherine Mary's story touched my heart. Life was so much harder back then for many women for different reasons. She looks so nice…and I love her baby's name…Minnie Rose. I would like to have known her. What a shame she died so young. Wouldn't she be thrilled if she could see your post! Thank you for visiting my collage blog…that was nice =)
the table cloth is just beautiful. My grandparents were also part German,,but I thought we were all just work aholics maybe that's were it came from instead.Busy all teh time. Lv all your pretty things.thanks so much for sahring. Tink
What a sweet story! Well, sorry that she died so young but so sweet that you have something that she worked so hard on. I know they're hard because a few years ago I tried and started one on my own, but NEVER got further than squares!
My grandmother, who was also from Germany, her name was Wilhemina.
I am 44 years old now so this hits home. I can't imagine having 11 children but then to not be able to raise them is so tragic. The tablecloth is an absolutely gorgeous family keepsake.
I love the mosaic hearts you made. I've always wanted to try doing some sort of mosaic project. I bought a little frame kit many, many years ago but kit still sits undone.
Your paper flowers are very pretty too! Hope you are having a great day. Tammy
A wonderful post about your grandmother. Too bad you don't have more information on her. The tablecloth is absolutely gorgeous, your grandmother did excellent work.
Ah! What a lovely post. The tablecloth is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the history. God is so gracious to reveal the things that enrich our lives! May He continue to do that as it blesses this circumstance!
What a beautiful tablecloth…and a beautiful story. It would be wonderful if you could find that birth record. My mother's mother was a foundling..Actually left on someone's steps in a basket in 1894..unbelievable, huh? The people that adopted her never knew her roots. Hugs- Diana
This is a lovely heirloom, shouldn't be used so that it can be passed on to many more generations.
I would be horrified if someone spills coffee on it.
The tablecloth is a tribute to your grandmother and I expect one of your dearest treasures. All the things we have, but those like your tablecloth are the ones that really matter. Your grandmother must be pleased! Portlandia Vintage
This tablecloth is a real treasure! What a beautiful keepsake!
What a treasure that cloth is. Absolutely beautiful!
I never knew my gparents. Gfathers died before I was born, and gmas when I was young.
I hope you can find your gma's bc. Maybe a blogger who does geneology could help. I hope!
What a lovely piece. I just imagine the time it took to make this. She would be so thrilled that it means so very much to you. I'm glad to see you displaying it. It's beautiful with your decor.
That beautiful tablecloth is such a sweet treasure. I think it's wonderful that it has ended up with you ~ someone who holds it so dear.
I'm going to be praying that you find your grandmother's birth records ~ what a sweet gift that would be.
Thank you for sharing another lovely post.