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Favorite Houseplants
African Violet
African violets have such a sweet flower and is a favorite of so many.
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Favorite Houseplants
Streptocarpus is in the African Violet family, and these plants have been growing in an western exposure window of my master bath for years! They receive medium to bright indirect light with a wee bit of late afternoon sun. They have a very long bloom period and are just so sweet and cheery.
How to Propagate streptocarpus
- Simply cut a healthy leaf lengthwise along the center vein with scissors.
- Secure the cut edge of the leaves in fresh potting soil; keep moist and place in a zippered plastic bag, leaving it open (or partially open) so there is the right humidity and the soil doesn’t get too dry.
- Give it bright, indirect light and after a few months, you will have many little baby plantlets.
- Separate the new plants into individual containers.
I used to be ambitious and move the orchids outside to our shaded patio so they would receive lots of summer heat and humidity. They did well but got dirty; then as autumn approached, I had to clean them up and them bring back indoors.

For ease in care and tolerance of low light, Pothos is a star performer! Although not grown for flowers, the heart-shaped leaves and bright green color make it a lovely plant to brighten your home or office.
A cutting will root easily in water and when potted in soil, can be attached to a support to grow upright or allowed to trail. A Pothos placed on the top of a bookshelf or hutch will trail and vine beautifully.
Pothos are very easy to grow. Your biggest chore will be keeping the vines from taking over.
They like bright, indirect light but I found them to tolerate low light conditions well.
Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering.
NOTE: All parts of the pothos plant are poisonous if ingested
Growing houseplants adds beauty to your environment, helps improve air quality and can just be relaxing and therapeutic as you care for them.
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I once had over 150 African Violets. I was learning all about propagating them and was successful with different methods. Unfortunately, my home doesn't have sufficient window lighting making flowering difficult, and then all my plants acquired a detrimental infestation and now the only one I have resides at my aunt's house – 890 miles away!
What a gorgeous selection of plants you have as favorites.
Beautiful photos as always and for dessert you give us a wealth of info. I only wish my orchid would bloom 2 times a year but when it does bloom, the blooms last for 6-7 months. I had no idea not to cut the stem once the flowers dropped. I sure learned something this AM.
NOW to the Hoya, have never seen that plant before, I will sure be keeping an eye out for it, those are lovely flowers!
GOD bless you and keep your all safe.
Your plants are amazing Lorraine. I don't have many house plants in general…one African violet that needs attention, one jasmine that hasn't flowered in ages but looks healthy but I do have ten orchids which all bloom well. You certainly do a great job with yours, such a beautiful post!
Your photos are gorgeous, Lorraine. My mother absolutely loved growing African Violets. She and Karen's oldest son would start many "babies!"
Your plants are beautiful. I wish I could do that! For the life of me I can't make a plant survive in my house…And this is a woman who managed pot trials of up to 300 plants at a time in a greenhouse and light cabinet :-0 Guess it's because there's no qualification awaiting now?