Did you know there is a song about a traditional Irish potato dish? It is a sweet, nostalgic ballad by Mary Black titled, Colcannon.Continue Reading
Gosling Cuteness Overload
When a pair of fluffy little abandoned goslings come along, one can’t help but stop all activity and take in all their gosling cuteness. These two puffballs were found wandering between parking lot traffic at a local WAWA by our daughter. Of course she brought them home for us to see before taking them to a nearby wildlife refuge.
God speaks to me in Springtime
God speaks to me in springtime
When the earth is wet with dew
In the meadows and the prairies
As the grass comes poking through.
I Look Not Back
~ Blessing be yours in this New Year ~ I heard this beautiful poem titled, I Look Not Back, recently while listening online to Alistair Begg, Senior pastor at Parkside Church, Cleveland, Ohio. So much encouragement and truth penned by Annie Johnson Flint.
Start Over
Crochet Gift Ideas

let the little children come
Words by C. Herbert Woolston, music by George F. Root
Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children
Of the world.
Jesus died for all the children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children
Of the world.
Jesus rose for all the children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus rose for all the children
Of the world.
Saturday morning, we watched grandchildren while our daughter ran in a race.
The moments were filled with impish playfulness with PopPop.
This little one is at the age of constant activity with every emotion written clearly in her expressions. Who can resist those soft cheeks! Not PopPop!
and the stare-down winner is….
Pup and toddler always ready for a treat!
each child with their own unique personality and special talents
sisters ~ brothers ~ sibling love
and look at our girl…
She ran with a friend in the Philadelphia 5K Rocky Balboa Run finishing 9 mins 7 sec miles; 28:22 finish.
Having seven children must be what keeps her is such good shape!
Welcome September
By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summer’s best of weather
And autumn’s best of cheer.
I’ve been reluctant to cut the hydrangea flowers because I love the view from the kitchen table.
But I also want to enjoy these pretty, chartreuse-colored flowers in my home through the year.
So, I cut the huge blooms and stood them in a large pitcher filled with water where they will remain for about a week, until they are dried.
This post from last summer, shows how I dry hydrangea blooms.
Here they fill a bowl for a vibrant centerpiece
And, a few more ideas for using the dried blossoms to create a wreath can be found here.
Our grandchildren will all be heading back to school this coming week and my thoughts turn to the anticipation of autumn and all its beauty. I love the month of September!
Hope its a good month for you!
when brother is sick
baby Jet has been sick for a bit unable to shake a fever, croupy, bronchial virus illness that sent him to the hospital for a couple of days. He is home now with meds and should start to feel better soon.
Four of his siblings came to my house so Jets mom and dad could take care of him.
I should be running around, cleaning up and getting ready for our three up-state New York grandchildren coming down on Friday to spend the week. Instead, I am sharing some glimpses and moments of our time together…
Sick little brother
hospital stay
siblings at Mom-Moms
ready for play
trip to the playground
slip down the slide
twirling and dancing
places to hide
snooze with the pup
splash in the sink
swishing those bubbles
drawing with pink
buckled in car seats
noodles to eat
bedtime stories
Incredibly sweet
library visit
more books to read
pieces in puzzles
tummies to feed
climb in the playhouse
French fries to munch
peeking from high spots
all during lunch
toys scattered about
sink full of mess
washer still running
house in distress
tickles and smooches
diapers to change
fingers need wiping
smells that are strange
snuggles at bedtime
piggies and toes
bath time all finished
soon they will doze
sleeping so sweetly
my eyes behold
blessings from heaven
worth more than gold
copyright 2014 by Lorraine @With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart
Ocean View

The First Rose Of Summer
It excites me to see the very first rose buds appear each spring knowing they will soon bust forth into beautiful blossoms with sweet fragrance. This is a hybrid tea rose called Broadway with shades of pink, yellow and peach. It has been in our garden since 2012.
Growing alongside purple spiderwort.
Pink Knockout Roses are just beginning to bloom too.
The First Rose Of Summer
‘Tis the first rose of summer that opes to my view,
With its bright crimson bosom all bathed in the dew;
It bows to its green leaves with pride from its throne–
‘Tis the queen of the valley, and reigneth alone.
Oh! why, lovely stranger! thus early in bloom,
Art thou here to assure us that summer is come?
The primrose and harebell appear with the spring,
But tidings of summer the young roses bring.
Thou fair gift of nature (I welcome the boon),
Was ‘t the lark of the morning that ‘woke thee so soon?
Yet I weep, thou sweet floweret! for soon, from the sky,
The lark shall repose where thy leaves wither’d lie.
Oh! if beauty could save thee, thou ne’er wouldst decay,
But, alas! soon thou ‘lt perish and wither away;
And thy kindred may blossom, and blossom as fair–
Yet I ‘ll mourn, lonely rosebud! when thou art not there.
Robert Gilfillan (1798-1850 / Scotland)
Cardinal in Winter
I saw a cardinal on a branch outside our powder room window. I was able to get a few photos. I wanted to add a verse or poem for my Sunday post but couldn’t find something I liked. Our granddaughter, Keri Jill, told me she likes to write poetry and in a few minutes read to me the following short and sweet poem about a cardinal in winter.Continue Reading
just suppose
Morning Sky
At this time of year, if I look out the window toward the eastern sky a few minutes after 7 o’clock am, I often see the most amazing sunrises. This photo was taken from my front porch on the 19th of this month. I am usually in the kitchen at the back of the house each morning and will notice a bright reflection from the back windows of our neighbors house. It is a reflection of a gorgeous sunrise. Grabbing my camera I run to the front of our house and stand in awe for a few minutes as the colors change right before my eyes.
The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.
Psalm 65:8
Yesterday a butterfly…
Miniature Schnauzers

Dogs… man’s best friend. This one is my best friend. His name is Raider and he is a miniature schnauzer. He is an important part of our family showing unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship each and every day.