It is inevitable. We know one day they will grow up and will fly from the nest. That is actually the goal for children and grandchildren. Sometimes the adjustment is harder on us than it is for the them. Lucky for me our oldest grandson isn’t too far away. An hour drive and I was on campus. With hugs, smiles and Lemon Tartlets.
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He is our oldest grandchild and has lived with us on and off for most of his life. After a year at a college he could commute to, Jared made a change to one further away. Missing him much, we scheduled a day that I would drive up and have lunch with him.
After eating and wanting to spend more time together, Jared suggested I sit in on his next class. So I did. A grandma among 100 college students learning about data structures for almost two hours. You just never know where a day will take you!
I didn’t dare whip out my iPhone and start taking photos but he did allow me to discreetly get a selfie and a pic of his notes.
If you have grandchildren, you get it. This young man has my heart. Sometimes I think I will explode with how dear he is to me.
His campus is a large one and there are buses that transport students from one place to the next. We use the buses a bit but we mainly walk. And walk. And walk. It is all good though. Because we are together.
Unlike his grandparents, Jared isn’t big on sweets. But, he does love lemon tartlets. Ever since he was a little kid. So, I got up extra early to bake a batch to take to him. He was pleased.
After our long day together, Jared walked me to my car parked at the visitors center. As he walked away I whispered a prayer for him and grabbed this pic. Oh, my heart!
I have shared this recipe before and it is popular with my readers. Lemon tartlets are made in mini muffin pans and a batch makes 24. They are not like lemon meringue pie but rather like cookies with a lemon filling. If you like lemon you will love these.
How to make lemon tartlets
Zest a lemon using a microplane or zester. You will need 2 teaspoons of zest.
With a lemon squeezer or your hands, juice a lemon. To get the most juice, roll the uncut lemon on the counter with the palm of your hand applying pressure. This will break down the segments making sure you get every drop of juice. You should be able to get 2 tablespoons of juice from each lemon. Pick up two of them for the 3 tablespoons of juice you will need for this recipe.
Preheat oven to 325. Spray 2 mini muffin pans (or pan with 24 cups) with PAM.
Making the dough:
In mixer bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg white; blend well. Add flour; mix just until well blended.
Divide into 24 pieces and drop into mini muffin cups. Press into prepared pan with a wooden tart press or your use your fingers to form tart shells.
Making the filling:
For filling, lightly beat eggs with a beater or whisk. Beat in sugar and butter, lemon zest and juice. Mix well.
Pour filling evenly into tart shells.
Bake 20-22 minutes or until edges are light golden brown.
Remove pan to cooling rack for 5 mins. Remove from pan and cool completely.
Store tightly covered in refrigerator. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.
YIELD: 24 tartlets at 90 calories each
Pampered Chef Recipe
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Lemon Tartlets
makes 24 tartlets
Tart Shells:
- 1/2 cup butter, softened
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1 egg white
- 1 1/4 cups flour
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1 Tbs. butter melted & cooled
- 2 tsp. lemon zest
- 3 Tbs. lemon juice
- Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 325. Spray 2 mini muffin pans (or pan with 24 cups) with PAM. In mixer bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg white; blend well. Add flour; mix just until well blended. Divide into 24 pieces and drop into muffin cups. Press into tart shells.
Bake 20-22 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Remove pan to cooling rack for 5 mins. Remove from pan and cool completely. Store tightly covered in refrigerator. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.
YIELD: 24 tartlets at 90 calories each
If you like this lemon recipe you might also like…
Lemon Sheet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
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So we’ll said – “If you have grandchildren, you get it.”
My grandma heart felt bad to see him walk away! Our oldest grandson will move to a university thousands of miles away from home in January. I’ll already missing him! It’s nice that you could drive to spend the day with your grandson and I know those lemon tartlets were a big treat for him.
Oh yes, I feel your heart as you talk about your grandson! (He is looking so old, too. I remember when he was a young boy, so I must have been reading your blog for quite a few years!) It says a lot that he wanted you to stay longer and invited you to class just to spend time with you.
I am Pinning this recipe. I love lemon . . . but right now I am indulging in apple and pumpkin flavors! 🙂
Jared has grown in to such a handsome young man. The lemon tartlets look so good and I bet he really appreciated them
Those lemon tartlets sound delicious, Lorraine. Whenever I have made one of your recipes they are always GOOD!
I have to admit that last picture of him walking away towards the building made me tear up. I know that feeling and it is bittersweet. xo Diana