Bumps in the road, unexpected problems and hard places in life can bring great discouragement and disappointment. Where do you go and where can you turn? And, how can you even think about praise when you are in so much pain? Is it possible to intentionally Choose Praise when you are really hurting?
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In Spite of Myself: How Intentional Praise Can Transform Your Heart and Home, by Katie Hornor is a new book (available November 7) featuring a four week study giving encouragement to live above your circumstances. Each chapter begins with a personal story lesson written from a tender heart with related Scripture to read and think about. There are questions to reflect on and journal your thoughts.
About the author
As a wife, teacher, missionary, living in Mexico, a homeschool parent and business owner, Katie has had many rough spots along the way giving her opportunities to intentionally choose praise.
I have worked with Katie and “known” her through skyping with her and through social media. I recently had the opportunity to meet her personally. What a joy! I was already familiar with her friendly, thorough and encouraging teaching style so I wasn’t surprised by her contagious joy and passion.
Additional resources:
In addition to the book, Katie is making available video’s for each lesson. Reading and listening to the author brings you closer to the message and the choice she made to praise in spite of difficult circumstances.
And, just for fun, the author has included coloring pages dispersed throughout the book.
Personal thoughts
As part of the launch team for In Spite of Myself, How Intentional Praise Can Transform Your Heart and Home, I was gifted a copy of the book from the author. I have had opportunity to read through the entire book. Chapter after chapter offers insightful lessons from everyday struggles as well as related Scripture pointing to a better way to respond. The videos shared by the author reinforced the lessons taught.
Who this book is for:
- Moms with young children will relate to the mishaps, quarrels and accidents that occur sometimes on a daily basis in the home. The lessons are short and doable even for busy moms.
- Those who struggle with being misunderstood, being treated unfairly or with loneliness will get much encouragement as Katie relates times and situations she and her family walked through.
- Those who want to respond differently to everyday situations that can lead to loss of joy, grumpiness or discouragement. Only God can make changes in our hearts and Katie points us toward the blessings of those changes.
In Spite of Myself, How Intentional Praise Can Transform Your Heart and Home is available November 7th. To pre-ordered your copy now click highlighted link or photo below.
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This sounds like a wonderful book! Thanks so much for the review!
Sounds like a wonderful book, Lorraine. I have found that choosing praise in the midst of difficult situations is the only way I can make it from day to day in this life. Praise God that He is always listening to our prayers! Hugs & Blessings! ♥
I think I NEED this book!
This sounds like a book that everyone can benefit from.
That sounds like a wonderful book that offers solutions to everyday stresses and problems, Lorraine. I try to find a bit of praise even on days that I don’t feel are very praiseworthy–days full of pain and uncertainty.
It really helps to know that there is someone beyond ourselves that we can pray to and find solace and relief. xo Diana