Are you prone to anxiety? Faced with problems that you haven’t much control over? If you are like me, worry is your default. Situations and circumstances can easily produce anxiety. Counter those hard places by determining to Choose Prayer over Despair.
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I don’t write this because I always have a handle on controlling anxiety. I need to turn frequently to words of Truth when worry comes knocking at the door.
Do you know there are more than 365 verses in the Bible that address the issue of fear, anxiety and worry. That seem to indicate that God knows our propensity to fret. Fret about finances, health issues, our kids, our spouses, work or lack of work, rejection, pain, spiders, loss and death.
I keep a list of Bible verses that reassure me right on my cell phone. They remind me that I have a loving, compassionate and understanding God. He is just a prayer away whenever I call to him. He is willing and more than able to strengthen me and uphold me. He is an ever present help in times of trouble. He will never leave or forsake me.
Choose Prayer Over Despair
I got the title of this post from a newly released book I am currently reading. As soon as I saw the title, Anxious for Nothing, Finding Calm in a Chaotic World, by Max Lucado, I knew it was a book for me. I pre-ordered a copy and waited for delivery. Though less than halfway through the pages, I have already circled and underlined many encouraging passages.
I like the way Max Lucado writes. It is like listening to a friend. Though a fast and easy read, it is not light on the message. Filled with Scripture and inter-twinned with related stories, the book inspires and reminds me that though anxiety comes with life, it doesn’t have to dominate and destroy my peace and calm.
On my reading shelf
I have not received any compensation for my thoughts on any these books. They are just books that I have come across, read and enjoyed. The Daniel Prayer: Prayer that Moves Heaven and Changes Nations, was an online Bible Study with Anne Graham Lotz I finished a few months ago. It is study about praying for our country, our home and our family with the passion, perseverance and persistence as Daniel did.
I recently shared Katie Hornor’s, In Spite of Myself, How Intentional Praise Can Transform Your Heart and Home. This 4-week devotional (also with video resources with the author) is scheduled for released November 7th. Pre-order now by clicking In Spite of Myself.
What are you currently reading?
Do you have a book you would recommend? An all-time favorite book? A book you are looking forward to reading? Send me an email or tell me about it in the comments.
No more anxiety FREE printable bookmark
I created a bookmark for you to print out and keep where you can read through the Bible verses whenever anxiety rears its ugly head. Pray the verses back to God and allow His peace to help you through.
Print the bookmark and place it on the fridge, windowsill, in the car or in your purse so it is always ready to read when you feel those fiery darts.
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I too struggle with anxiety at times. I have a few verses that I always try to remember when I feel that way. I love the printable and will download it. Thanks for that Lorraine.
There is an old saying, ‘Why worry when you can pray.’ My father used to say that for many people it should say, ‘Why pray when you can worry!’ He had a good point there. Thank you for yours words here and the book recommendations. I am currently reading ‘A Woman’s Call to Prayer: Making Your Desire to Pray a Reality’ by Elizabeth George. I have loved her writing for a long time and this book sat on my shelf waiting for me to pick it up. The time is now and I’ve been SO blessed!
Great post. I try to remember to pray more and worry less. Next on my reading list — tonight — is Love Heals by Becca Stevens. Have a great week!
What a great title for this post, Lorraine. It is sometimes easy to fall prey to despair…and forget that we need to pray…rather than become the prey of despair and anxiety.
I did not realize there were 365+ bible verses about anxiety and despair—one for each day of the year?! xo Diana
I may have missed it but after I left my comment I went to dowload the bookmark. I can’t find a link anywhere to download it.
I’m familiar with anxiety, fear and worry. I’ve entertained all three. I have learned over the years to turn it over to God and ask for his guidance. Thanks for the bookmark. Encouraging words can go a long way