Look what I found just outside our side door on the arbor there… a pair of nesting mourning doves.
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Nesting Mourning Doves
A little about Mourning Doves
Mourning Doves are light grey and brown and generally muted in color. Males and females are similar in appearance. The species is generally monogamous, with two squabs (young) per brood. Both parents incubate and care for the young. Mourning Doves eat almost exclusively seeds
source: Wikipedia
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Make You Own Nectar to Attract Hummingbirds
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The doves don't look real. They are sitting there so perfect. Joan @Americana By Candlelight
Aren't these doves beautiful and I love to listen to them :o)
What a fantastic discovery you made today. They are just beautiful. I love the poem that you ended with also.
What a great find, as you know I love the birds and I would be over the moon to have them nesting in my garden. Have a great day and take care.
These birds look soooo soft.
If you get a change to join us on Friday~~Finding Beauty I would love for you to share your Beauty!
If you get a chance would love for you to stop by and say hi.
TTFN Claudia ♥ ♥
Great shots! I especially love the first one. I have Mourning Doves but the one nest I know of is in one of my palm tress and is too high and hidden for me to get a picture.
~ Tracy
they are gorgeous…we had a pair here last year that had two babies, I love listening to them…have a wonderful week.
whoa mom, that first picture is publish worthy~ jame
Oh how sweet. I hear them all the time around my house but I have never seen them nesting before. I just love that first photo.
Oh wow, I've never heard of this type of doves before. They are truly beautiful. All I see outside my house is black birds, not sure if they're crows or not. That's the disadvantage of living in a big city.
I love mourning doves! We have a pair that visit our yard regularly. They're marvelous to hear!
We have a pair that come to feed each day at the feeders. Now you have my curiousity up and I will have to keep my eyes open to see if I can spot their nest. Surely it must be somewhere close by, don't you think? But that could be quite a chore since we have a rather large orchard with 18 very old fruit trees in which to make their nest! :~}
Don't you just love those birds. We have some here at Linderhof as well as turtle doves. They nest here but I'm not sure where — I've never found it. We always love to watch both them and the turtle doves.