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Carrot Salad Side Dish
Adapted from source
- 1/3 cup dark or golden raisins
- 1 pound carrots
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice, freshly squeezed
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 1/4 cup Miracle Whip or mayonnaise
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 1/3 cup diced fresh or canned pineapple. If using canned pineapple chunks, drain well)
Place the raisins in a small bowl and cover with boiling water and allow to sit for 5 minutes to plump; then drain.
Using a food processor fitted with the grating blade or using a box grater, grate the carrots.
Place the grated carrots in a medium bowl, add the lemon juice and toss.
Making the dressing
Whisk together the sour cream, Miracle Whip or mayonnaise, sugar and salt. Pour the dressing over the carrots and add the pineapple and raisins. Toss together.
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I really want to try this recipe. It looks yummy. Maybe even tonight as I have all the ingredients.
Wow this sounds wonderful and I have a ton of carrots in my fridge thanks for posting ~Love Heather
My mother used to make that stuff all the time when I was a kid. I haven't had that in years. This one takes me back 🙂
I always used to use Miracle whip but my husband thinks it's disgusting and will only use Helmann's real mayonnaise. Since I'm not as fussy as he is and I can eat either I just go with the mayo instead of buying both.
Hi LDH!!! Tasty recipe!!! Gracias for your look in my blog. Muchas gracias!!! 😀
What time is dinner? Thanks for a great idea. Haven't made carrot and raisin salad in ages and I am long overdue.
I love carrot salad. I like the "dressing" for this one. Can't wait to try it.
We recently ate at a Cajun restaurant and they put pineapple in their cole slaw too!
Beautiful salad. I am a Miracle Whip person, too! Bookmarking this one to give it a try!
Did you say Miralce Whip? Ok..I am sorry but we can not be friends anymore. However, maybe you could move in with my husband because he LOVES Miracle Whip. Just wondering…WHAT is the Miracle in Miracle Whip all about? Now…besides that…the recipe looks great and I bet my grandkids would love it. Thanks- Diana
ok..I lied…I'm still your friend ;>)