“Paperwhites” refers to a type of narcissus, usually of the Tazetta group, native to the Mediterranean. They are hardy only in warm winter climates, but are popular for indoor culture. The distinctive odor, which some find unpleasant, is due to a biochemical called indole.
Musky Fragrance
The scent of indole has been characterized as “musky,” though some say its concentrated odor in paperwhite flowers smells like dirty socks or even cat urine. Indole is also present in the fragrance of jasmine, orange flowers and gardenias, plants renowned for their pleasant fragrances.
What do YOU think?
John was thoughtful to bring me a pot of very pretty Paperwhites and I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t like them, not because of their appearance but because of their strong fragrance.
So, while sitting and chatting with Jamie this past Sunday, I knew right away what she was referring to when she said,
“Mom, your living rooms stinks!”
I showed her the culprit and then quickly relocated the plant to a distant part of the house.
They are so delicate looking! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I can't say that I know what they smell like other than your description. If they resemble the scent of dirty socks or cat urine I don't blame you for not liking them. They are pretty though
What a beautiful photo and what a loving husband! While homeschooling I once took my three children on a field trip to a greenhouse where they got to pot their own Paperwhite bulbs to bring home. The greenhouse owner told us that they have a scent that some people love and others hate. We forgot all about that until the little flowers grew and bloomed. We had them in our kitchen and I kept trying to find what was putting out the awful scent. I finally tracked it down to the innocent looking little flowers. It was funny though, the guys in our home thought they smelled good while the girls thought they were awful!
I learned something new. Beautiful can stink! 🙂 Or, somethings are better left outside. Blessings!
It was so sweet of your husband to bring them to you though! They really are pretty.
Hmmm…they do have a strong odor, but I love to force them in the middle of the winter. And it was so thoughtful of your hubby.
– The Tablescaper
It's hard to believe that something THIS beautiful can smell THAT bad! They should sell them under cloches or something similar, so people can enjoy their beauty but avoid the smell.
So pretty, I have never smelled them before though.
Oh I agree!!! They are so pretty but the smell is horrible!
I LOVE your blog and your paperwhites photo is just gorgeous! Thanks for checking out my Southern Blueberry Pie. You have a new subscriber. Me!
I have actually never smelled them, though I have seen them and they are soo pretty. Guess I haven't missed much in the "smell" department from the sounds of things, haha. Have a good day!
Oh! I am so sad! I've never had Paperwhites before. I have just started some Paperwhites from a kit because I thought they were so pretty! I do hope I don't find them 'unpleasant' once they bloom!
I have tried for weeks to comment on your blog, but my internet connection has been fighting me. Success today!! Yes, my friend, I would love some of your flower seeds. I've never grown Cleome before! Thank you!
I had some in my house last year for the first time. I'm with you what a stink! Couldn't wait to get rid of them….pretty maybe in the silk variety would be better!
I guess it's the thought that counts. But finding the right place to show them off might include on the porch so they would "get enough light"
Pretty but stinky, definitely an outdoor flower then. But so nice of your husband!
I'm with you on this one. I find their scent overpowering.
Isn't that a shame, they're so pretty but so smelly! How sweet of John to bring them to you!!!