This girl. Our first born. She made us parents and blazed the way for her siblings. She is quite an amazing human being. And, we love her lots!Continue Reading
Precious Little Hand and Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb favorite Book
This sweet little plaster hand print belongs to my oldest daughter and was made when she was just in 1st grade (25 years ago). It hung on the wall for many years but is now kept safe on a bookshelf. two years later when my next two daughters were in first grade, the teachers decided the project was too involved and sadly, more plaster hand prints were not to be.
the owner of the above hand also LOVE, LOVE, LOVED this book… It was read countless times in our home… I think I still have it memorized… Dum ditty, dum ditty, dum, dum, dum.
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands
Isa 49:16
Happy Birthday, Baby!
Happy Birthday Wishes to My Beloved
The Love of My Life!
Happy Birthday baby! Sweet gathering of daughters and grandchildren to celebrate a special guy. And a sweet, “Why I Love my PopPop” list from his oldest grandson.Continue Reading