of this pond when Jared was younger.
Sweet moments!
How to Catch Sunnies
(from eHow)
jQuery(‘.intro .thumbnail’).each(function(i,e){ jQuery(e).find(‘img’).one(‘error’,function(){ jQuery(e).remove(); }); });
Things You’ll Need:
- rod and reel with fishing line
- a small hook
- a float (bobber)
- bait
- Step 1
Attach a small hook to the end of the fishing line.
- Step 2
Attach a float (bobber) 1′ to 4′ from the hook.
- Step 3
Put bait on the hook. Sunnies are not picky eaters. Some typical bait used to catch sunnies is dough, bread, worms, and small bait fish. Personally, I prefer dough because it is easy to find and easy to use.
- Step 4
Cast (if need be) the line into the water.
- Step 5
Let it sit. When a fish takes the bait and gets hooked, the float will go under water. Then reel it in.
- Step 6
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(‘#jsArticleStep6 span.image a:first’).attr(‘href’,’https://i.ehow.com/images/a05/06/47/catch-sunnies-1.6-800X800.jpg’); });
SunfishA good method for removing the fish from the hook is to grab the hook with a pliers (a needle nose pliers works best) and twist and shake it so that the fish falls off. Sometimes it is necessary to hold the fish and work the hook out.
Nice story and I love the photo
Nice shadow shots and we, too, love catching the sunnies!! The poem was beautiful!
Great pictures. I used to love catching sunnies! So much fun.
lovely pictures and memories…
I love the Gaither words. . It seems to be so very true. WE live on a small lake and take our Grands fishing too. Such wonder and joy.
God loves you
I enjoyed the photos and the story about fishing!