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Preparing to paint porch planters

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Lastly, I added a gorgeous colored sweet potato vine. It matches pillow covers I made to accent the cushions and pillows I covered a few years ago. Just a little time and already it has filled in and spilling over.

Concrete planters

Just want to share this photo of the incredible size of the coleus growing on the porch in the large planter. And to imagine they started out so tiny when I started them from seed growing on a sunny window sill.
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That is one very smart looking porch…well done!
Well done! It's amazing what a little imagination and elbow grease can accomplish!
Totally blown away with the transformation. I have 3 planters in need of help and wanted to paint them black. I see now there is nothing that should hold me back, yours are stupendous and you brought new life to them. And I might add the choice in plants are perfect in every way.
Have a blessed 4th.
What a lovely transformation! Quite inspiring!
Thanks and Happy 4th of July!
Gorgeous planters and love your porch! It looks so welcoming! Yes, there's always a project to work on……….Happy 4th of July!
Very pretty and your porch is inviting! Love the amazing colors in your coleus-enjoy! Happy 4th of July, hope we stay dry:@)
I would have procrastinated too because it's what I do best 🙂 That turned out really nice. I love the look of your porch too.
You continue to inspire me! What a beautiful job you did! I like how you shared the before and after, and even better, I like that you shared your inviting looking porch. Everyone would love to sit with you there.
Your porch is gorgeous ….so neat. Love the green and black together. HOPE you have a great 4th of July weekend!
You did a beautiful job! I notice that Raider was keeping an eye on you from inside the door!
Your porch looks very inviting.