Raider visited the groomer a few days ago.
His stern face and jutting eyebrows belie the
bandanna he wore home.
Perhaps the upside-down peace signs are appropriate
Ever since Raiders encounter with the honeybees this past fall, I have
By Lorraine
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What sweet photos! He really is a dear.
How cute! I love the bandana.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I've always been interested in photography – just beginning to learn a new DSL and hope to share more photos in the future.
Hi, thanks for coming by our blog. We are so happy to meet Raider and we went back to your past post to read about his encounter with the honeybees. What an experience! I can almost feel what you went through that day. That must be frightening. Raider is indeed a fighter to have came through that incident. I guess those spots will disappear in time but so what if they don't as long as Raider is all well and good.
The bee stings left those scars, wow!
I see adorable! Hope you are having a great weekend.
Hi thanks for stopping by my blog nice to meet you, and hello Raider, hanson lad, poor thing I have just read the post on the bee's he must have been in so much pain and has battle scars to prove it.
Your photos are stunning moms going to be looking thought your recipes to 😉
I'm following you so will pop by from time to time to see what you are up to 😉
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
Thanks for stopping by my bloggie…… I just looked you up and saw the beautiful pics of Raider….. he is schnauzer AWESOME – even with his spots! He can set a new trend….? My mum loves the look of your blog and will be visiting! Another nice lady/family in blogland! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
I don't see a stern face there at all. Raider is a fraud, you only have to look in his eyes to see what a sweetie he really is!
Awwwwww…what a cutie pie!!! He has the sweetest face and looks great in polka dot peace signs! 🙂
He's just teasing you! He really is smiling under that stern look on his face. I think the spots are his battle scars. He should wear them proudly. He survived! He's a sweetie.
Oh he is just so sweet…and how odd with the spots maybe the bees left a permanent mark on him. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful pictures made me smile ~Love Heather
Raider is darling!!! His new spots give him character 🙂 Our 11 year old yellow lab has freckles on her nose for the first time…too funny!
Raider is such a precious pup. I am so thankful that he recovered from that horrible ordeal. He is cute patrolling from your window!!!
I love these posts so much! what personality this pooch has.
Oh, Raider really is a cutie pie. I wonder how
my little Toby would look in a bandana. At
this point I don't think I could find one
small enough. Sorry about the bees! Poor
I love you photos, great shots. We have two german shepherds, sweet dogs, and they keep me walking.
Great photos of Raider! He is so handsome and I have no doubt that he is the sweetest thing ever. Those bees certainly left their mark. Several years ago, I stayed with friends at a summer house with all our kids (at that time there were 10 all together) and several of them had bees up their shirts because someone stepped on a nest. Yikes! We were ripping clothes off kids as fast as we could trying to get those bees to stop stinging. What a nite that was. Hope you are having a great day. Tammy
Are those spots scars from bee stings? He sure is a handsome boy; so distinguished when he poses.
AW, What a cute face! Look at him in his peace kerchief!! 🙂
Adorable little guy! My poodle (that passed away last October at 12 yrs old) also had an area on her back where she got cut by barbed wire (poor baby) and it was darker than the rest of her fur. I'm guessing it was just where the scaring happened so maybe that's what happened to your little guy.
Very cute pics – thanks for sharing!
God bless you – Julie
He is peace and love…perfect bandanna for this boy!
I love that fifth photo. One little paw up and those eyes!! Sweet boy indeed!
hehe how adorable with the bandanna! i love how you captured his stern/strict look as well as the close up of his soft/sweet face!
He looks very handsome! Our schnauzer is in need of the groomer….perhaps I will be inspired looking at your good looking Raider!
I well remember his episode with the bees, and I bet he does too.He is one blessed fella.
Raider is adorable!
What's not to love about that face? It's so good to see Raider fully recovered even with a few extra spots.
Your 'Raider' is as handsome as a show dog. He could strut his stuff with the best of them I think! I love to watch those dog shows on tv. I get excited when one is coming on, which isn't often, what? around Thanksgiving. We don't have a dog, we used to have a boxer though. Thats another story. =)
thanks for liking my sewing efforts! I'm so happy with the results and only wish I'd done it years ago. I didn't realize how faded out the old quilt was…and what a happy difference it made!
Good for you, getting your laundry all caught up, that is a big job I know, laundry multiplies so quickly when you turn your back for a few days! I wish for the wisdom and energy to somehow?!? tackle and organize my craft/sewing/storage room. Ahh…one of these days. Its pouring here…I hope you are having a cozy evening…
He is a sweetie. Do you suppose the spots are over some scar issues from the stings? You'd never know how sick he was to look at him now! xxoo Diana
He sure is a handsome fellow!
What a sweet pup!
Visiting from Pear Tree Lane. Love your blog!
I think his face makes him look very distinguished. He's a very handsome boy that's for sure. How peculiar that he has those spots now.
He looks like a sweet boy 🙂 And very handsome!
How sweet! We don't have any pets due to our son's allergies but I do enjoy seeing other people's fur babies.
I look at that face and I see 'sweet'.