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Knitted Beverage Cozy
Our Newsletter is published once every three weeks. Each issue is timely and helpful, jam-packed with food, crafts, occasional DIY, gardening and faith resources. Relevant and seasonal posts to inspire and guide you with current trends. Available only to those who request it, so please accept our invitation to stay connected and join the Grateful Prayer Thankful Heart community. Just click the subscribe button below.
Everything is lovely! =)
I love your knitted items.
That is a nice burnt orange color. The cozy and the cowl are lovely. You matched everything so beautifully!
What a cute cozy. The whole gift is so well coordinated and pretty. The recipient is sure to love it all.
I love the things you've been knitting. The cozy is just perfect for this time of year. What a wonderful birthday gift!
Love the beautiful orange color and detailed handiwork.
I love it. That;s a great coordinated gift package.