Each December 1st, we are entertained by the arrival of a whimsical little fellow dressed in red. He is a most pleasant house guest whose only request is that no one try to touch him. See that mischievous expression on his face… he is waiting for a little one to discover his hiding place. He finds great joy in the excited squeals of a child, pointing and shouting,
“There he is… I found the elf!”
Cashew (as he’s called) is not concerned about pouting, crying, or whether you’ve been naughty or nice. His mission is just fun as he magically flits and flutters, unnoticed, to each new perch and awaits to be discovered once again.
Interesting thing though… as our own children have grow, married and have children, the elf population has also grown.
Interesting thing though… as our own children have grow, married and have children, the elf population has also grown.
There is a green elf named Pistachio that annually arrives at my oldest daughters home.
Another elf named Mac Adamia spends December in our NY kids home.
Al Mond the elf takes up residence with another daughters family.
Santa doesn’t play a role in our Christmas celebration and all of our little ones have a clear understanding of the true meaning of this special day. So, in addition to the traditional Christmas activities that focus on the birth of a Savior, we find little harm in our
sweet elf game.
Thanks for your comment! I love how your family shares the elf tradition. People are so creative with all the many mischievous acts the elves get into. Coming up with 100 ideas took a while.
Thanks for visiting earlier. I love the little elves. What a fun tradition.
I love your beautiful new blog header. Robins are so much of the season. Your elf looks like a lot of fun. I'm not sure we have any traditions like that.
SO cute~
what a lovely tradition indeed!
Love~ Miss Jen
Very dear! LOVE the names… thank you for sharing such a sweet tradition!
Very cute little elves and I love the hiding idea!
The ornaments on our tree are from our kids making them in school, Sunday School, etc.
On Christmas morning, we have an egg casserole (that I can make ahead:) and the kids named it "Eggs Erroneous" from the movie "Ernest Goes To Camp". Crazy how some things get started:)
Great post!
I love your little elf!!! Very cute! Our special traditions are most definitely our ornaments. Most of them are handmade, even a few that I did when I was a child. I love them. Our tree is not a fancy tree, but a tree from the heart. I love all our decorations and remember my children at the age they made each of them. Very nice post, thanks!
What a fun tradition with very cute "nutty"names!
One tradition I keep with my boys and husband is reading the Christmas story from Luke on Christmas morning and then lighting a candle by our nativity set, one for each of us. As we light our candles we pray for someone that God has placed on our hearts, someone who needs the good news. Then we open gifts, remembering the greates Gift of all.