My super talented, super sweet niece, Eva gave me this beautiful pendant that she made for my birthday.
Here is what Eva says about her work:
Glass is my love, and in some ways, I would say it was one of my first loves. It’s amazing, once you find something that truly moves you, what it can do for you to enhance your own personal life, encourage you to grow for yourself, and just plainly allow you to become needy for more. Glass has been that for me, it has given me life and it has given me plenty of reasons to fight for myself. I can only imagine what else it can do for me as I continue to let it breath in my life.
She is beautiful , kind and thoughtful and I was so happy she stopped by to visit!
Eva doing what she loves.
For over ten years, now, I have been working with glass as a medium for creating art and for making jewelry. I first started to work with the material when I was about 20 years old (around the year 2000) and from there I decided to attend college to increase my education in glass making. I first started working with glass through taking private lessons in Philadelphia at private high school by the name of The Crefeld School. From Crefeld, I began working with glass in college at Salem Community College where I learned to work with glass on a torch. After about two semesters at Salem I transferred to Tyler School of Art, Temple University, where I received my B.F.A. in fine arts, majoring in glass. I graduated from Tyler in 2005. My focus at Tyler was in furnace work, casting both hot and cold glass, and fusing glass. Since college, I have been a freelance glass artist and I have also taught a number of classes, mainly in lampworking, but also in furnace work.
Just before Eva graduated, John and I visited her art exhibition at Tyler School of Art, Temple University. Above are some of her pieces.
My little daily visitor is helping me model my necklace. I am not sure about the different techniques Eva uses but I think this piece is fused metallic glass. I think she used the word dioptic?
Thank you, Eva for such a lovely gift!
Eva has an Etsy shop but isn’t currently offering any items.
Eva E Glassworks site
Beautiful Necklace
color combination in this awesome.
Handmade Jewelry
What a beautiful necklace – Eva certainly looks like she enjoys what she does.
In the pictures of my work from college, the first one at the top left corner with the blue and bright orange, I was awarded $200 from Tyler School of Art.
what a beautiful gift. your niece is very talented
Beautiful necklace! Thank you for sharing Eva's work!!
What a beautiful pendant!! I would love to work with glass myself and it's on my list of things I want to do someday. 🙂 Her work is absolutely gorgeous and she's a very talented artist. The necklace looks so beautiful on you. Happy Birthday!
God bless you – Julie
Eva does lovely work. The necklace is beautiful and I know how you love jewelry. Your daily helper is cute as can be! I'll check out Eva's website. Mildred
Hello Sweet Friend…
What a beautiful post. Love the picture of you and your niece. What gorgeous work she does. Her glass pieces are absoluely breathtaking. Your necklace is so gorgeous. I love your little daily visitor who helped you model it as well. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
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Many country hugs sweet friend, Sherry
Beautiful necklace, and so meaningful. And the beautiful eyes in the post below! A delight to visit your blog!