Photo submission for this weeks
Favorite Photo Friday
was chosen solely for its uniqueness.
was chosen solely for its uniqueness.
I noticed this ultra tiny moth on the outside sidelight by my front door.
(Photo was taken from inside)
Wanting to show relative size, I held up my fingers although it made steadying the camera with the other hand nearly impossible.
(Photo was taken from inside)
Wanting to show relative size, I held up my fingers although it made steadying the camera with the other hand nearly impossible.

For sheer fun (and because Abbey was over my shoulder while editing) I went all the way with the lomo-ish effect in Picnik. The above photo is cropped from the photo below.
Photo Facts:
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
No flash
exp: 1/200
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO 400
Normal Program
Photo Editor: Picnik for cropping and lomo-ish
Beautiful photo! I've never used picnik but it's good to know it does these types of things!!
Such a great capture and I love the way you edited.
God's creatures sure are amazing!
Can't believe I am getting around to last weeks photos only now! and I thought the summer would give me a bit more time! What a dreamer – although I must say I am accomplishing a whole lot!
These photos are spectacular. I love the colors and the bokeh of the green trees etc out in the yard – in seeing the series it makes me think that the little bugger is just wishing it could be outside.
Your fingers give great perspective on the size.
Love it Love it Love it!
Beautiful photo. I loved the way you cropped it, makes it so much more unique. Mothes are such amazing little animals.
I like the photo of the moth best when it is framed by your fingers. jj
My Sunday teacher tells us that if we hear something twice, then it's from the Lord, and He's trying to tell us something!!! If you're feeling led to post the same song "Lead Me"…then, one of your followers surely needs to hear it, too! I love the lyrics…because sometimes it's hard to be a submissive wife!!
Very impressive and creative! should learn this trick and thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hi L,
Cool pics! Thank you for your kind comments on my blog…Diane told me about your blog full of wonderful recipes and inspiration. We have been friends since childhood; our blogs will be another venue that we can keep in touch through… Have a wonderful weekend ~ Sue
Your photo editing turned out lovely! Isnt it amazing how perfect God created this tiny creature?…even in the tiniest details that are on its wings.
Blessings & Aloha!
(my most recent post talks about a specific set of wings, but I do share some drawigns of other "wings" :o)
So creative. I love the photo with your flag in the background.
What a cool idea for a picture and I love how you edited it. It looks just awesome.
Love that first photo so interesting!
Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers during this time of saying goodbye to my dad, I really appreciate it.
One of my most precious "things" i love is my camera… what would we do without them these days? You couldve enjoyed that beautiful lil creature for a moment and probabaly forgot about it in a short period of time.
However — now — for forever you will have this lovely thing!
Thanks so very much for joining with us on FFB 🙂
Have a great weekend!
That's lovely. Deb =^..^=x5
Duh — I think I x-ed out of this window before I posted my comment …
which was something along the lines of … Beautiful! Perfection in such a tiny and humble form …
Best wishes, Cass
Oh my gosh…that is simply AMAZING!! I love how you did this & thank you for explaining it, too. I will have to try it next opportunity. Mine will probably be of a mosquito. :/
I really like the first pic!!! Isn't God's creation just amazing?!?!?