I made something for you as we head into the month of November. It is a Count Your Blessings Journal. Use this FREE Printable to jot down those big and little blessings that come our way each day. It is a one-month journal to record daily blessings that are sometimes forgotten in the busyness of life.
A thankful heart
Not that we shouldn’t all year round, but November is a special time to reflect on the blessing that come into our lives.
At the end of the month, we celebrate Thanksgiving. A day associated with giving thanks and being grateful. Family and friends, near and far, are in our thoughts. We cherish those the Lord has brought into our lives.
We may be thankful for a job that provides for our needs, a good doctor report or a situation that works out well. There are also small things that are often overlooked. Little blessings that come along and bring a smile or happy sigh.
Take notice
It may be something that encourages even while going through a difficult situation or hard place. A kind nurse while going through treatment, a driver that waves you on when trying to merge onto a busy road, or a song that plays and lifts your spirit.
Maybe it is an unexpected phone call, a bird that catches your attention or a friendly Hello from a stranger. Tune your heart and take notice of these tiny gifts. Don’t let them slip unaware. Count your blessings.
A count your blessings journal
This journal was designed just for the month of November. Thirty days to think on and write down one or two blessings that you were made aware of each day. Jot something down every day. Something you are thankful for. You don’t have to elaborate if you don’t want. There is just one line for each day of the month.
At the end of the month read through your list. And as the old hymn goes, after counting your blessings, and naming them one-by-one, you just might be surprised what the Lord has done and how blessed you are.
Count Your Blessings Hymn
The short journal includes a page with the words to the hymn, Count Your Blessings, published in 1897 by Johnson Oatman, Jr. Print it out and place it in a frame to decorate your home or Thanksgiving buffet table.
So, amid the conflict whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all;
Count your many blessings, angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.
Subscribe to get Your FREE Count Your Blessings Journal !
Get access to our Free Printable PDF by filling out the form below, click the check box for the printable and click ‘Download’. You will receive an email with the link to the PDF. Be sure to check your spam and promotion folders if you do not see the email in your inbox. It generally takes less than 30 minutes but if you don’t get it within 24 hours, let us know. Once you receive your email be sure to click the link to download the PDF to your phone or computer.
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Just beautiful and what a wonderful way to be that Titus 2 woman! Have a beautiful day my friend!
You are very kind, Lynn. Thanks so much for your visit
Thank you so very much for this beautiful recorder of our blessedness. May the Lord bless and keep you.
This is so pretty! Thanks for the inspiring notes and printable!
This is really nice. Thanks for sharing it. What a great way to find something good in each day
This is lovely Lorraine. Thank you.
Lorraine, this is SO beautiful! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration and encourager…and for sharing this lovely journal. Blessings!