I went with Jamie and the three oldest kids for her ultrasound.
Everything looks perfect.
And now we know…
a sweet baby girl
just 19 weeks
Her tiny heart beating. Her mouth opening and closing. Her arm and hand moving toward her mouth.
arrival date ~ end of February
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
Jeremiah 1:5
How exciting! Congratulations to your growing family…another little grandbaby to hug and love on! We are looking forward to our first grandbaby in March :o) Wish that we lived closer to them! Would love to share this post with you…if you have time, please take a peek. V is for VERY…
Blessings & Aloha!
Congrats! Can't wait to meet her via your first blog post about her!
How precious is this LDH!!! Congratulations to your family.
Enjoyed your chicken and dumplings recipe, thanks.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet note, enjoy your day.
Such a precious time to share with Jamie ~ and what a beautiful photo!
That makes five boys and five girls…and everyone a blessing!
Very exciting news for your family! What a precious photo at 19 wks (altho I can't really see where the baby is positioned! havent seen many of these ultrasound pictures before hehe).
Big blessing indeed 😀
Congratulations! What a privilege to be able to see into the womb. Blessings!
Congratulations. I bet you're all so excited
Technology is amazing and confirms to us how much God knows us and forms us! I hope you are all well by now, have enjoyed catching up on your blog since I've been away. What you are doing with your mom's house I did last year. I've loved making room for her things in my house. My mother only moved to a care center, so she enjoys seeing her things at my house.
How precious!! I so wish this had been available eons ago when I had my kids. It continually amazes me at the true miracle of God when one sees a baby.
The chicken and dumplings sound wonderful! I so wish I had some right now…I'm really hungry. Thanks for sharing.
What a precious blessing, indeed. May God bless you all during this special time.
What glorious news! I pray for
an easy rest of the pregnancy
and a safe and quick delivery.
Most importantly for a baby of
sound body and mind who will
grow up to know and love her
Blessings to all~
How sweet!! Perfect little valentine:)
What a beautiful picture! Congratulations! So nice that you could be there for the ultrasound!
Congratulations! What a beautiful picture! Love how they are able to get such detail these days. I enjoyed reading how you make chicken and dumplings. It's very similar to my recipe and my husband loves it and I need to make it soon because your pictures have really made me hungry for it!!! The pictures are sooooo good!!! Enjoy your day!