Simply amazing…God has created such wonders all around us! Thank you for capturing and sharing these ones with us through your beautiful photographs.
Blessings & Aloha! Thank you dear friend for stopping by my "neck of the woods" :o) Goodness…I hope that I was not too much of a handful for my teacher! haha …and thank goodness, I dont htink I have any other stories of me messing with fire! Your comment was too sweet! :o)
I have these growing on a trellis in my back yard, they are fasinating fasinating plants, you's are really lovely. I have heard you can make tea from them I have actually bought it at the health food store, but forgot what it's good for..but they sure are fun to look at, Have a winderfyl week end , Tink
You are an amazing photographer! When I was a little girl we would play outside all day long in the fields and woods around our house and would find these flowers occasionally growing in the fields. They really are beautiful! And…my favorite color….PURPLE!!! HOPE you have a great weekend!
I finally had a minute to let you know how much I've enjoyed your last few posts. Your photos just get more beautiful all the time. Have a wonderful weekend.
I don't know that I have ever seen one before….wow……beautiful.
Just Beautiful.
Love to Raider
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
what a gorgeous flower that is
Simply amazing…God has created such wonders all around us! Thank you for capturing and sharing these ones with us through your beautiful photographs.
Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you dear friend for stopping by my "neck of the woods" :o) Goodness…I hope that I was not too much of a handful for my teacher! haha
…and thank goodness, I dont htink I have any other stories of me messing with fire! Your comment was too sweet! :o)
God is amazing!!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it very much.
I have these growing on a trellis in my back yard, they are fasinating fasinating plants, you's are really lovely. I have heard you can make tea from them I have actually bought it at the health food store, but forgot what it's good for..but they sure are fun to look at, Have a winderfyl week end , Tink
wonderful photos
Beautiful! Saw a vine of those today as I antique shopped in Jefferson, Texas.
Fascinating flower! It looks almost alien.
Btw, thank you for leaving such a sweet compliment on my blog. *floats*
Oh my, such gorgeous detail on your photos. Lovely flower!
Thank you for your kind visit,
You are an amazing photographer! When I was a little girl we would play outside all day long in the fields and woods around our house and would find these flowers occasionally growing in the fields. They really are beautiful! And…my favorite color….PURPLE!!!
HOPE you have a great weekend!
I finally had a minute to let you know how much I've enjoyed your last few posts. Your photos just get more beautiful all the time. Have a wonderful weekend.
Stunning photograph, it's good to stop and look closely at the beauty of nature.
Absolutely amazing!
Gorgeous, just gorgeous! Stunning shots of a stunning flower!
absolutely beautiful and love the colour! always in awe of God's amazing creation
happy weekend lorraine!
Amazing! I don't think I've ever seen these. Your photos are always SO beautiful.
Also, would love a glass of the lavender lemonade on a hot summer day!
Your photography is absolutely beautiful!
I read your post on Lavender lemonade and I must try it, I will be gathering a few of my blooms this weekend.
As always such a joy to visit.
So beautiful!
It's hypnotic it is so beautiful. You are quite the photographer. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
WOW-What knock out pictures! God did good – and so did you! xo Diana
Julie's comment is exactly what I was planning to say. I'm so thankful to be able to see and enjoy such beauty.