Congratulation on Silas Joshua! How precious he is! I have my own little loved grandchildren and they put Smiles on my face everytime I see them. Thanks for putting my Blog GiveAway button on your sidebar! I’ll enter you in to that extra drawing for the other three gifts for helping me advertise the Give Away! I’m already a follower of yours, and enjoy visiting you often! I’ll be posting the winners on May 11th! Blessings… ~CC Catherine
Awww….. what a precious boy! ;<)
You do indeed have much to be thankful for!
Happy, Happy Birthday Silas!
May the Lord bless you richly!!!
Love in Christ,
Miss Jen
That’s so precious!
I honestly had no idea how wonderful grandparenthood would be until it happened.
What an angel.
Congratulation on Silas Joshua! How precious he is! I have my own little loved grandchildren and they put Smiles on my face everytime I see them. Thanks for putting my Blog GiveAway button on your sidebar! I’ll enter you in to that extra drawing for the other three gifts for helping me advertise the Give Away!
I’m already a follower of yours, and enjoy visiting you often!
I’ll be posting the winners on May 11th! Blessings… ~CC Catherine
Oh, what a darling! Happy birthday, Silas!!!
Happy Birthday to Silas!
What as sweet boy!!
What adorable pictures!!! I love the first one especially! SO cute!!! Happy Birthday!!!
ah.. just like an angel!
Happy Birthday, Silas Joshua!