The Canvas
The medium
The Art
The innocent looking Artist
Blowing kisses isn’t going to get you off the hook, sweet Cambrie.
Well, maybe a little
Linking to Mary’s Mosaic Monday @ Little Red House
By Lorraine
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I could totally relate to this post. It is difficult to get upset with an adorable little face like hers. Hope you share the way you removed the lipstick.
Oh, dear! At least you're dealing with things in a calm manner…and it did make for a great blog post!
OH how funny! I was not expecting that from the first photo! Reminds me of the time my twins got a black sharpie and drew a continuous line from their bedroom wall, down the hallway, into the kitchen and around the dining room walls when I caught them. I saved the living room.
Oh that's so sweet. Well, sort of! Reminds me of Olivia when she was about 3 and I was stenciling our bedroom and she was in the other room with her markers coloring in a coloring book, or so I thought and came out and saw her coloring the wall with her markers. I was quite angry until she said she was "copying" me! Hubby had to repaint. She is so beautiful!!!
With those eyes and that face
I bet that cutie gets away
with a lot more than that!
Blowing kisses? Oh yeah…
Oh boy – but she really does look adorable blowing those kisses:) What can you do!?!
So glad you stopped by my blog…look forward to visiting again –
Happy Monday!!
This is so funny, well maybe not for you but I was really laughing when I saw the cute little one who did this art with lipstick. Very cute
Oh I am sorry I laughed at the sight of all that artwork. Was the artist miffed when it was washed off the walls? V
perhaps you could print and frame this to show her later in life!
Delightful picture story about a moment in this little sweet darlings life. Thanks for sharing!
And thankyou so much for stopping by my blog to say hi. Have a wonderful week.
She's such a cutie. Hard to be mad. Hopefully it wasn't your favorite color of lipstick
LOL, thanks for the smile! So cute, she's an adorable artist!
Oh my, they are such angels and devils at the same time. She is a cutie!!!
Many years ago I had similar artwork on my freshly painted white living room wall. Done by my sweet, little girl who found a purple marking pen somewhere it didn't belong! So funny what they try to do to stay in our good graces!
Those sweet granddaughters can get away with a lot, can't they? I love the first photo of her "artwork."
Well, maybe a little. Is it any wonder? So cute!
How very adorable!!
Yes its a British castle series …such a sweet creamer, I have a child's teacup and saucer in it as well.
Oh lol. this has happened to me with lipstick and worse..sharpie! It is hard to get upset when they are so cute
Fancy Frugal Life
Aw. what a pretty picture she did for you–and in your favorite (lipstick) color!
Love that nice big smile Cambrie put on her canvas. Ah, sweet surprises!
What a precious little girl – mischievous and precious!
Good job keeping your sense of humor about this surprise.
Hmmm . . .
Are you sadder about the loss of the lipstick or the smears on the wall?
LOL I can't help but laugh. At first I thought that was actually a painting. Maybe she has a future in the art field
Look at that sweet adorable face…Definitely agree, it's hard to stay angry.
Yep!LOVE IT! Been there-done that and glad it happened at someone else's house this time! lol Now WHOOOO could be mad at a face like that? xo Diana
haha what cute she wants with kisses make up what she did..what a nice little girl.well all the cleaning isnt so funny hope your walls dont get damaged ..have a nice sunday sister..God bless you..loves from soraya and huub